Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chapter fifty-four

Elizabeth always emitted so much stress, discomfort and apprehension when any of them entered her presence, all the men avoided her whenever they could.

Of all the women, she was by far the most ferocious fighter, even getting the best of Michelle once in a while during the sparring sessions although at this point it was more due to exuberance that would get her swiftly killed in a real fight than actual skill. She came on so strong, other than actually killing her, there wasn't much Michelle could do but give ground.

Like most of the women in the group, Elizabeth developed a fond attachment to Chandra but she adored Sheree. She spent almost every waking moment inside the older woman's tent. To Sheree, Elizabeth was the daughter she never had, the niece she never spent time with, the beloved godson, she never got the chance to watch grow up.

Damian had never seen Sheree so happy, except for snatches of moments with Janet. It wasn't romantic love that Sheree had for Elizabeth; it was like the kind of love he had for Feifong.

Thinking of Feifong.

She was trying so hard. She was too tiny to ever be much of a fighter. She baffled him with her passion to be a part of the liberation movement. He recalled a discussion they had one time where she also surprised him. They were talking about slavery, and she had showed an interest in that meeting that she had never shown in any other.

Damian had come to know Feifong very well. He knew that perhaps due to her early life, she was basically a cold, selfish person, even though she could be fiercely loyal--even sentimental, and if a man didn't probe too much, or too deep, he would never find out that she was not one to ever really fall into romantic love. She did love in a way, and when she formed any kind of tie with someone she never broke it no matter how they treated her. But she didn't fall in love. Sex to her wasn't an act of love, it was an act of friendship, bonding, a kindness maybe, lust rarely, and sometimes--especially in the past, a means to an end.

If he had to place a bet, Feifong was the last person he would have put money on, to risk her life for a stranger. Yet, she was out there every morning, sweating, running, grunting, getting knocked down, bruised and tossed around. Bruce showed her no favoritism--in fact, he seemed to ride her harder than anybody else. But you could see the pride in his eyes--the love. And sometimes if you watched really close and fast; the tears.

At those moments he knew exactly how Bruce felt. He sometimes shed those same tears when he watched Chandra going through the drills.

After Elizabeth and Michelle, it was clear Jane was going to be their next best female warrior. She was tall like Michelle, just one or two inches shorter, with a strong frame. She was also a fast learner and though she wasn't as strong or fast as Elizabeth, she was acquiring true skills faster. Even at this early point she had stopped charging in and windmilling, she thought out her moves, and she retained and used what she was taught.

Ada was a girly girl, through and through. She had the kind of body that without an ounce of fat on it, was still soft. She tired quickly and she simply couldn't let go. If she hit somebody she always had to check to see if they were alright--every single time--no matter how lightly she might have tapped them. When she was struck, she always got this shocked kind of look on her face. She could never get in the mode even though she was told time and time again that she had to develop a killer instinct. She just didn't have it and she wasn't going to get it. Damian still wanted her to stay out there and learn what she could. If she couldn't hit any one in aggression, maybe she could in self-defense, when she had no other choice.

Steve was a force, not only was he as tall as most NBA centers, he was stronger than most oxen. He also burned with determination. Now he was developing combat skills to go along with the rest. He was still early in his training and already, not even Bruce could give him much of a fight. You couldn't reach him. Couldn't kick him, couldn't punch him. Now that he had skills, if you kicked at him, he kicked at you, and your legs never got near him. If you swung at him, he swung at you and his punches always traveled farther than yours.
It was frustrating for any Instructor to be so ineffective against a student, and Damian could see it on Bruce's, Chako's and Patrick's faces. Sometimes he laughed because they were so serious and trying so hard while at the same time trying to maintain semblance of being in control.

Sheree was closer to Ada than Michelle, another girly girl. But she was older and though she was in excellent physical shape, she was a cultured, Professor at a major college, and had been that too long to learn to be much of anything else. Damian just wanted her to glean from the training what she could.

They even made the Iowees show up for drills. It was an utter waste of time, but there was always the chance that they might take in things that they'll remember at a desperate moment.

The big cat showed up under her own initiative. Every morning she would go to the same spot and sat there watching. The others were always talking about training the cat to fight. Damian knew that Sheba already knew more about using her body as a lethal weapon than anything any of them could ever teach her. They just needed her to do it at the right time and he felt that motion was already covered. She'll be there.

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