Thursday, September 10, 2009

Chapter sixty-one

When they left the slave Island, Elizabeth was with them. She didn't want to part from Sheree and she could no longer stomach the idea of spending the rest of her life on the Island where she had been so terrorized.

All the "ghouls"(Steve's word) were executed. In the end Damian decided to let the Islanders do it, so they would realize their own strength and stop being so superstitious, passive and in awe of everything that was different from themselves.

The thirty-five men were all hung by the neck from the same pole they beheaded the young woman on.

The strong woman, who had hushed the old man, stood up to take a leadership role. Her name was Harriet. She officiated over the executions with relish. All the other Natives cheered each time the box the condemned men stood on, was kicked away from under them. Under the exhortations of Harriet, some of them grabbed spears and ran up on the corpses in a fury.

Damian talked to the old man whose daughter had been crucified and bled. He was an exalted Elder. The old man assured Damian that the soldier's Mistresses and their infants were considered valued members of the community and were in no danger.

And so Damian and his crew loaded up the boat and left the Island and its people behind.


They had named the schooner "Liberty." She was a magnificent piece of design and workmanship. Damian was more and more pleased with her each time he lifted her anchor. He thought she would do well when he helped pick her out, but the lean little vessel was weathering the test of time and action like it was getting better and stronger from the wash of the ocean.

They have still yet to hoist her sails. She was still knifing through the water like an Olympics swimming champ. They were now adrift aboard the Liberty again.

They were heading back to the Island of Trinidad to get their two friends.

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